Facebook: Change is good. Here’s how it can make you more money’

April 5, 2012

Making the Phone Ring

How did April Fools’ Day actually start?

One school of thought might be of interest to you. Stay with me on this’ I promise it will be a valuable lesson that may even make you some cash.

Many think April Fools’ started in 1582 with the Gregorian Calendar conversion. Pope Gregory XIII, after whom it was named, decreed the calendar be updated from the old version – the Julian Calendar – in February 1582.

Those who kept using the Julian Calendar into April were peer pressured with taunts like, “You April Fool! You have got to get on the Gregorian Calendar! It is much better than the old one!”

Simply put, the calendar committee in the Vatican changed how the calendar worked and fully upgraded the previously outdated (pun intended) calendar. And, people who did not adapt to that change were teased as fools.

Fast forward to March 2012, when Facebook announced that all Business Pages will be converted to the ‘Timeline’ format. Facebook’s changeover to the more customizable ‘Timeline’ format is a sign of things to come from the social media giant. Facebook is becoming more customizable and frankly, more like a ‘second’ website. Therefore, having a clean, interactive Facebook Business Page in 2012 is as important as having a professional website was three years ago. And, this is a change you should profit from.

There are several new features you need to familiarize yourself with in order to be sure your Facebook Business Page will impress visitors. These tips will help you stay on top of the changes so you’re not teased by your competition for being an April fool.

2012 Hint

Bottom Line: Potential customers are going to find your Facebook Business Page. Will they remember yours or will they remember your competitor’s?

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Never judge a book by its cover; but always judge a Facebook Page by its cover photo.

Facebook Cover Photos

The first difference you’ll notice about the new Timeline format is the large cover photo on every Business Page. Your cover photo is the first thing visitors will see when they view your page. It stretches across the screen and should be unique and exemplary of the work you do. At the bottom left of your cover photo is a smaller image, ideal for you to brand your Facebook page with a company logo. Be sure to take your time selecting photos, because grainy, distorted pictures may turn off your visitors. Turned off visitors leave your page. Not good for business.

Want visitors to see a specific post? Make it stand out to them (consistently)

Let’s say you had juicy offer that worked well with your Facebook visitors last week, but then you posted newer content and your successful offer ended up buried lower on your page’ Not anymore. Facebook’s new format lets you pin a post to the top of your Business Page so it remains there for up to 7 days, even as you post new content. Throughout your Timeline, you can also highlight important posts to make them the entire width of your page. These features will allow for increased customization of your page.

Milestones. Not just for scrapbooks anymore.

Facebook Cover Photos

Another Timeline feature you’ll want to take advantage of is Facebook Milestones, which allow you to identify historic company events, such as the year your business was founded, new branch openings, or changes in ownership. Many social media-savvy companies have already begun to fill in Milestones with photos from the past, and users have embraced the feature. If you want people to know about the history of your business, the new Milestone feature represents a golden opportunity, provided you utilize it well.

There’s a lot to learn regarding the changes to Facebook’s format, but the important thing to remember is that change represents opportunity. The Timeline features allow you to customize your Business Page so that visitors get an accurate sense of who you really are. Show prospects your true personality. It’s no secret people buy from companies they like. Now, you can show your Facebook visitors even more reasons to feel comfortable doing business with you. So this April, don’t be a fool. Make sure your business is ready to get as much value out of Facebook as possible. If you need help, call us at 1-888-381-6925.

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Power Stats:

The average Facebook user ‘Likes’ 80 pages.

57% of Facebook users ‘Like’ a brand on Facebook because they want to receive discounts and promotions.

Dream Systems Media / AdAge


Griff’s Last Stand’
Griffin I’ve been preaching the value of social media ‘ mostly Facebook ‘ for several months now. Truth is, that wasn’t by coincidence. The benefits of Facebook are growing on a daily basis, as more and more people use the tool regularly. No, we’re not social media crazy. We’ve seen firsthand how effective it can be for small businesses and it’s our job to educate you so your business can succeed.I hope this guide comes in handy when you’re evaluating your Facebook Business Page, assuming you have one already. If you want more suggestions about how to utilize the new features, call us. We’ll tell you secrets about what has been proven to work already.PS ‘ Want to talk more about web marketing, client service, or anything else Internet related? Call us at 1-888-381-6925 to talk to someone right away or email me at [email protected] and I’ll reply as soon as I can. We’re always happy to help.

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